Welcome to St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church.
We are a loving and inclusive congregation in Hartsville, SC. All are welcome.
We invite you to join us in loving God and serving our neighbor while sharing in God’s unconditional love for all! Join us for Sunday worship each week at 10:00 am.
St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church has been a part of the Hartsville community for more than a century.
Founded in 1902, St. Bartholomew's is a Christian community grounded in tradition with a deep longing to make a difference in the world. Visitors are always welcome.
We are proud to be a part of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion.
As Episcopalians, we believe in and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world. We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.
Easter Week Services
Thursday April 17th Maundy Thursday : 6pm with Eucharist and washing of the feet
Friday April 18th Good Friday: 12pm Good Friday Liturgy ; 1pm-3pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday April 19th Easter Vigil: 6pm
Sunday April 20th Easter Eucharist: 10am followed by Easter Egg hunt for children
Confirmation and Lunch with the Bishop
Piano Dedication Concert Thursday March 20, 2025 at 6pm
Concert Featuring John Hoffmeyer
All are welcome
Western North Carolina Episcopal Relief & Development: Has set up a donation page. www.episcopal/relief.org/hurricane-relief for anyone that feels to moved to help those in Western North Carolina affected by Hurricane Helene.
Come enjoy yourself with some wonderful music
Hartsville High School Football Dinners are Back
Please see Fr. Mike or David Wilkie if you would like to volunteer. Sign up sheet available in Narthex
End of Year Luncheon for our Graduates Harley and MCKendrie
Wonderful night of wine, art, food and music thanks to the Hartsville Art Walk, Cara Davis and Some Strings Attached.